This book has been a long time in the making, with information compiled and pieces written by my father, Elton A. Watlington, and mother, Janice Threadgill Watlington, over the past forty years. I see much of its structure and content in a (literal) carbon-copy of the ``Hammond-Jameson Papers'' that they brought together in 1974. Much of this information has also been serialized over the years in their ``Watlington-Hammond Chronicles'' newsletter. The first edition of this book is being published in honor of the author's 80th birthday.
The majority of this book is the author's writing. There are, however,
a number of historical texts by other authors included: the
``Recollections of the Hale-Hammond Pioneers'' starting on page
, the Othello W. Hale letter starting on page
, Mercy Jane Hammond Steffens' recollections starting
on page
, Charles N. Hammond's Civil War Letters
and Diary in Ch. 3, and O. W. Hammond's Letters to
Mary Eliza Jameson starting on page
. In
addition, parts of chapter 4 were originally published
in an earlier book by the same authors: ``Watlingtons of West
Tennessee'', which further details the recent descendants of the
Hale-Hammond line introduced here.
A book such as this is never really finished. In addition to the
correction of errors, there is always new information being
discovered. Our hope is that further editions will be forthcoming
on a regular basis. We welcome your corrections and discoveries!
The authors contact information is listed in the Bibliography on page