Please note that married women are indexed by their maiden name, and are alphabetized separately at the beginning of each name.
The Computer Modern font family used throughout this book was designed by Donald Knuth, based on the Scotch Roman typeface. The text size used throughout is 12 pt., at the request of the author.
The typesetting of a text for publishing typically involves a typographic designer, who decides the overall ``look and feel'' of the document--fonts, spacing, margins, text layout, etc.--and a typesetter, who turns the general instructions from the designer, and the text from the editor into the pages of type comprising a book. Thankfully, several talented and generous people have built and made freely available tools which allow a computer to help. The first is TEX, a computer typesetting program developed in the 70's by Prof. Donald Knuth of Stanford Univ. The second is LATEX, which acts as the typographic designer, using TEX to perform the actual typesetting. Both public domain and commercially supported versions of these software packages are available for almost all computer systems. The four generations of computers used over the course of editing and typesetting of this book were Apple Macintosh.
My mother, Janice Threadgill Watlington, entered the information for this book and the previous one, as well as a great amount of accompanying genealogical information) into a computer for many years. It was her perseverance in mastering the new skills necessary that made these books possible, as she entered and edited the texts eventually compiled into this book.
An electronically distributable version of this book is available at:
Recommended Texts:
Lamport, Leslie. LATEX: A Document Preparation System User's Guide and Reference Manual. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass., 1994.
Young, Bruce, and Seybold, Catharine, eds. A Manual of Style. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill., 12th edition, 1969. Look for it used, the style of the 1969 edition is better than the newer ones!