b. April 23, 1777
bp. Glastonbury, Connecticut
m. (1) 1802, Mercy Sanderson Piper
m. (2) November 2, 1831, Sarah Cozad
d. May 18, 1854
pd. Bath, Ohio
Jonathan was born in 1777, in Glastonbury, Conn., just south of
Hartford, and on the banks of the Connecticut River.
His picture is from a daguerreotype photo, probably taken after 1845,
and published in The Jonathan Hale Farm[16].
A picture of his father Theodore Hale's home,
where he grew up, is on page .
In 1802, he married Mercy Sanderson Piper in Glastonbury, Conn. Mercy Piper was raised in Acton, Mass., on the eastern side of Great Hill3.3 Her father was Samuel Piper, a tailor by trade and a Sergeant in the Revolutionary forces.
Jonathan left Glastonbury, home of his father, with his young family in 1810 for Ohio. Evidently Jason Hammond and his sister Rachel had already emigrated to Ohio, and they went to settle near them. Jonathan was the tenth child born to Theodore and Rachel Talcott; their last child of record was Abigail.
Sophronia Hale was born in the same house in which her father Jonathan was born, on a large farm along the east bank of the Connecticut River at Glastonbury, Conn. The home was built by her grandfather Theodore about 1775, and was a three story, large frame house made for New England winter living. Since she was born in 1804, she must have been a child of six when the long trek to Ohio was made.
Jonathan and Sophronia prospered in Ohio, but
Mercy S. Piper died on October 16, 1829, after giving birth to three
girls and three boys:
Jonathan's second marriage, to a widow, Sarah Cozad, was succesful as Sarah joined into the family and community activities and bore three more Hale children:
The Hale family grew and prospered around the portage town of Akron, and the Jonathan Hale homestead, built in 1826-27, became a place of local interest by 1906 when Charles O. Hale was entertaining summer guests in the old home. Othello W. Hale and relatives were planning a centennial for the Hale tribe in Akron in 1910. One of the daughters of Andrew Hale, Sophronia J. Hale, married Samuel J. Ritchie, and built a $100,000 palatial home in old Akron about the turn of the century. Some of these wealthier families helped gather and disseminate the family history.