Clarence Lloyd King, who married Clara Mai Watlington in February 1941, was from one of the three early King families of Carroll Co., Tenn. His lineage was from Jeremiah King and his wife Ridley, both of whom were born in North Carolina. Jeremiah's son, Wiley B. King, married Harriet Gardner Butler of Carroll Co., Tenn., and they farmed and reared their family in the Spanish Grove Community. The local church and burying ground seemed to be the Oak Grove Baptist Church near Buena Vista in east central Carroll County. Lloyd's mother, Addie Elkins King, attended school in Buena Vista. His father, Ivey (or Iron) Largee King, was the third of six children of Wiley B. and Harriet who grew to adulthood. Largee and Addie Elkins were married in Buena Vista on August 15, 1907 and their five children were born there between 1910 and 1924. About 1925 they moved to Spring Creek where the children had a better opportunity to attend high school. As well as doing some farming at Buena Vista and Spring Creek, Largee worked at lumbering, bridge building and many kinds of daily work to support a growing family. In later years he lived at times in Jackson, Tenn. where he was able to find work. While Wiley B. King lived into his 83rd year, and his mother died at 92, Largee King died at 54 years of age while living on the farm at Spring Creek, on January 25, 1942, less than a year after Lloyd King had married Clara Mai Watlington. Although they had lived at Spring Creek several years, the family ties to Oak Grove Baptist Church at Buena Vista took him there for burial in the Spanish Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Addie Elkins King continued to live near Spring Creek where their oldest daughter, Fannie G., had settled with her farmer husband, Eddie R. Seavers, of the Lavinia community. Of Lloyd's siblings, Len moved to St. Louis where he started his family and worked most of his life. He had five children, one of whom died young. Three of his children were raised by his sister Fannie and Edd Seavers at Spring Creek and Lavinia. His brother James Birdie (J. B.) worked on the G.M. & O. Railroad and settled in Mobile, Ala. His youngest brother, Paul Wilbern, finished high school at Spring Creek and following World War II graduated from Union University and taught school in West Tennessee and Florida. His wife, Lucille McKnight also taught school and their two daughters are now school teachers near Williston, Florida. All three of their children are graduates of the University of Florida at Gainesville, Florida.