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Dismantling the Hammond-Watlington Homeplace


The death of Miss Emma Mai Hammond on August 22, 1986 brought about the decision to ``break up housekeeping'' at the Hammond-Watlington house. The ``Home Place'' had ``the big house'' and a smaller one across the stream that was torn down many years ago. Grandpa Hammond had built the major part of the house between 1900-1915, and the kitchen part had been rebuilt by Papa and the neighbors in 1940. It had thus been ``home'' to four generations at one time or another, and a fun place for part of the fifth generation.

The furnishings, sourvenirs and keepsakes were distributed among the children with respect to the requests of Aunt Mai and Papa. The house and land had long since been purchased by the Watlington Brothers for the establishment of their Lumber and Equipment Yard. Most of the original sixty-six acres are still held by the Corporation, but the house was deemed too fragile and costly to keep as a dwelling. Though still standing, it has passed from being ``the homeplace'' where a good hot meal could be shared.

Copyright © 1997, Elton A. Watlington (Note)