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Other Deaths

Mrs. Leila H. Watlington

Mrs. Leila Hyde Watlington, 80, died at Venice, Florida, in April of 1988. She was the widow of Hays Watlington of Pinson, Tenn., and a sister-in-law to our family historian, Mary Watlington Wolford of Oklahoma City. She was buried in the Big Springs Cemetery near Pinson where so many of our older relatives are buried.   

Mrs. Florence Patton

Mrs. Florence Pacaud Patton, a life long friend of the family, died this past summer. Mrs. Patton grew up on the ``Pacaud Place'' up Watlington Road from the Hammond home. Her mother was Ellen Swink from the Mt. Pisgah Community near Pinson. After the death of Mr. Pacaud and of Eula Daniel Watlington, Grandpa 'Mack Rob' courted and married Florence's mother, Ellen Pacaud.    In fact, Ellen Pacaud ``Wadlington'' was the first Watlington member of the old Ebenezer Methodist Church at Malesus. Florence joined at an early age also. Mack Rob and Ellen both had grown children and some still at home, which made ``blending the family'' difficult. A few years later Mack Rob gave up on the marriage and made his home with Ulrich and Jennie for the last 25 years of his life. He and Papa always held the Pacaud family in high esteem and common friendships and church interests cemented the relationship. Kenneth lived with the Patton's one year while in college at Lambuth, and across the years Bess Bell and Florence Patton befriended the family in many ways. ``Miss Florence'' will be long remembered by appreciative friends.   

Copyright © 1997, Elton A. Watlington (Note)