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- 1
Watlington, Elton and Watlington, Janice, eds. and pubs.
Watlington-Hammond Chronicles.
Occasional publication, 1982-1997.
The authors may be contacted at:
1226 S. Prescott, Memphis, TN 38111-5502
- 2
- Wolford, Mary Watlington.
Watlingtons of Dinwiddie Co., Va., and Madison Co., Tenn.
n.p., 1989.
Contact Elton Watlington at above address for copies.
- 3
Watlington, Mary Emma. Watlington Family Genealogical and
Historical Notes. n.p., January 1975.
Basic early genealogical and family history
study, much of which was incorporated into this text.
- 4
Watlington, Hereward Trott. Family
Narrative. The Hunter Rose Co., Ltd., Toronto, Canada, 1980.
Traces Watlingtons in England and Bermuda.
- 5
Raised From Ebenezer: Historical notes on Malesus United
Methodist Church and Community. Jackson-Madison Co. Public Library,
Jackson, Tenn.
Includes cemetery records of the Harton and Ebenezer
Cemeteries, Madison Co., Tenn. Many references to
Watlington & Hammond relatives and friends.
- 6
Morris, Bettye McKnight. Family Stories from My Point of View.
n.p., Nov. 1988. Jackson-Madison Co. Public Library, Jackson,
Stories related to John W. Watlington's World War II
experiences and to the Watlington and King families.
- 7
Family Findings. Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 3343,
Murray Station, Jackson, Tenn., 38303.
A quarterly publication, which originally published the article on
Michael C. Watlington, et. al. Basic genealogical
source for Madison Co., Tenn. Queries invited!
- 8
Williams, Emma Inman.
Historic Madison: The Story of Jackson and Madison County, Tennessee.
second edition, pub. by the Jackson Service League, 1972 (reprinted 1986).
From the Prehistoric Moundbuilders to 1917, references on Watlingtons,
Swinks, and has many lists of citizens and events.
- 9
Williams, Emma Inman. Jackson and Madison Co., Tenn.: A Pictorial History.
Marion B. Smothers and Mitch Carter, photographers.
Jackson-Madison Co. Public Library, Jackson, Tenn., 1985.
- 10
Hanna, James H. Maps of Madison Co., Tenn.: Historical and Genealogical.
Includes 1877 Beers Land Owners map, and
index to 1877 map. The author may be reached at:
56 Loydell Cove, Jackson, TN 38301.
- 11
Cemetery Records of Madison Co., Tenn.: The Southern Half of County.
Vol. I, The Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 3343, Murray
Station, Tenn. 38303, 1996.
- 12
Ridens, Arahwana Hendren.
Dyer County and Newbern, Tenn.: Being a History of Thirty-Nine of the
Earliest Families in the County.
Southern Historical Press, Easley, S.C. 29640. 1979.
Mentions marriages of Watlingtons.
- 13
Cemetery Inscriptions of Dyer Co., Tenn. Southern Historical Press,
Easley, S.C., 29640, 1977.
Includes Watlington burials at Fairview Cemetery, in Newbern, Tenn.
- 14
Goodspeed, History of Tennessee. The Goodspeed Publishing Co.,
Nashville, Tenn., 1887.
Available in various editions at public libraries. Contains selections on
Madison Co.: History and Biography.
- 15
Hale, Will T., and Merritt, Dixon A. A History of Tennessee and
Tennesseans. Vol. VIII, Lewis Pub. Co., Chicago, Ill., 1913.
- 16
Williams, Sam Cole. Beginnings of West Tenn.: In the Land of the
Chickasaws, 1541-1841. Wautaga Press, Johnson City, Tenn., 1930.
Includes W. Tenn. map and sketch of Pinson Mounds.
- 17
Watlington, Oxfordshire. Official Guide of an ancient town in
Oxfordshire, England, with our family name.
Watlington is forty-three miles outside of
London with a town or market hall built in 17th Century. Markets
have been held here since 1252 A.D. Population: 2,280 in
1971 A.D.
- 18
The Town Hall: Watlington, Oxfordshire, England: A Brief History
- 19
Watlingtons Across America. Mary Whitney Inc., Ottsville, Penn., 1991.
A listing of families by States, with over four hundred Watlington families
listed. They are mostly in N.C.: 134, Va.: 54, Tex.: 43, Tenn.: 40, and
Ark.: 15.
- 20
The Watlingtons since the Civil War. Halbert's Genealogical
Publishers, Inc., Bath, Ohio, 1994.
Helps and listings of five hundred families in U.S. Also listings of
two hundred and sixty two deaths from Social Security sources.
- 21
The World Book of Watlingtons. Halbert's Family Heritage, Bath,
Ohio, 1994.
Genealogical information and helps plus addresses of five hundred and
twenty-seven Watlington families.
- 22
Chester County, Tenn., 1882-1995, History and Families.
Chester Co. Historical Society, P.O. Box 721, Henderson, Tenn. 38340, 1995.
Good materials on Ozier, Sauls and Watlington families of Chester Co.
Jameson, E. O. The Jamesons in America, 1647-1900, Rumford Press,
Boston, Mass., 1901.
Information on the family of Jennie S. Hammond's mother, Mary Eliza Jameson,
and the Craig family of Ireland. Elton Watlington has a copy of this book.
Famine Immigrants, Tennessee Genealogical Society, 1984.
History of Knox Co., Illinois.
Ill. by Charles C. Chapman & Co., Chicago;
Blakely, Brown and Marsh, Printers, 1878, Reproduced in 1974 by
Unigraphic, Inc., 1401 North Fares Avenue, Evansville, Indiana 47711.
Sponsored by The Knox County Genealogical Society, Galesburg,
Illinois. Reproduction includes a ninety-eight page Name Index.
Contains information in Hale and Hammond families. Elton Watlington has a copy.
Map of Historic Knox County, Illinois. Galesburg Public Library,
Galesburg, IL 61401, 1974.
Portrait and Biographical Album of Jo Daviess Co., Illinois.
William H. Perrin, ed., Chapman Brothers, Chicago, Ill., 1889.
Information on Jameson and Hammond families.
History of Summitt Co., Ohio. Baskin and Battey Historical Pubs.,
1881, Reprinted by Unigraphic, Inc., 1972.
Information on Hale and Hammond families.
McNulty, Marjorie Grant. Glastonbury: From Settlement to Suburb.
Historical Society of Glastonbury, Conn., 06033, 1983.
Contains information on Hale and Welles families. From Glastonbury,
Hales and Hammonds moved to Ohio.
Hadley, Alice M. Dunbarton, New Hampshire: Where the winds blow free.
published for the Dumbarton History Committe by Phoenix
Publishing, Canoon, N.H., 1976.
Jameson family ancestral home, ca. 1753. Also contains Jamesons family stories.
Bolton's Heritage: Historical Sketches of Bolton, Conn.
Bruce G. Ronson, ed., Pequot Press, Essex, Ct.
Contains information on Hammond, Kingsbury, Field, Tucker, and Talcott families.
Bolton was an ancestral home of our Hammond ancestors.
Sumner, Edna C. Early Years of Bolton. Bolton Township Library,
Bolton, Connecticut, 1950.
Elton Watlington visited briefly with her in her home
in Bolton, Conn., in July, 1986.
Hammond, Frederick Stam. History and Genealogies of the Hammond
Families in America. Vol. II, Ryan and Burkhart, Printers, Oneida, N.Y., 1904.
Contains an account of the early history of the family in Normandy
and Great Britain: 1000-1902 A.D. Our lineage is from Thomas
Hammond, b. after Sept. 2, 1603, Melford and Lovenham,
Suffolk Co., England. Beginning with Thomas on p. 1, it runs through
p. 534 and the children of Orson Ward Hammond: Jennie, Clara and Emma Mai.
Horton, John J. The Jonathan Hale Farm: A Chronicle of the Cuyahoga
Valley. Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio, 1961.
Intimate family history of Hale and Hammond ancestors who were
pioneers in northern Ohio, 1810-1840, immigrants from Connecticut and
New England. A home and farm museum is located now at this ancestral
home in Summit Co., near Akron, Ohio.
``ANSEARCHIN.'' Tennessee Genealogical Society,
P.O. Box 247, Brunswick, Tenn. 38014. Published quarterly.
Much basic research on Tenn. families, and a good reference library.
Queries Invited!
Chappell, Phil E. Chappell, Dickie & Other
Kindred Families of Virginia. Hudson-Kimberly Publishing Co.,
Kansas City, Missouri, 1810.
Wolford, Mary Watlington, ed. Chappells. n.p., Jackson-Madison
Co. Public Library, Jackson, Tenn.
Wolford, Mary Watlington, ed. Andersons. n.p., Jackson-Madison
Co. Public Library, Jackson, Tenn.
Frederick Co., Maryland, History. Chattanooga Public Library,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Contains information on the Tabler Family.
Parchman, Lonnie Gerald. The Parchman Family Tree.
Jill Garrett, pub., 610 Terrace Dr., Columbia, Tenn. 38401.
See page
Family Genealogy Book of McMinn County, Tennessee.
Found in the Chattanooga Public Library in 1987-88.
Mitchell, Reba Henderson. The Family of Samuel Henderson (1786-1867)
of Monroe County, Tenn. 1980.
Miller, Janis, and Wicker, Wordna Threadgill.
Threadgills, Book II.
Gateway Press, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 1983.
Threadgill, Harvey Edwin. Threadgills, Book III.
pub. by author, 5201 Edmonton Ave., El Paso, TX
79924-3305, 1995.
Watlington, Jane Cox. Cox Family Genealogy. n.p.
Stewart Co., Tenn. Family Histories. Stewart Co. Public Library,
Dover, Tenn. 37058.
Cox and Parchman families. Jane Cox Watlington has a copy.
Hardeman Co., Tennessee, Family History Book. Jackson-Madison
Co. Public Library, Jackson, Tenn., 1978.
Contains information on Dorris and Sauls Families.
Reid, Samuel Eli. A Brief History of Chester Co., Tenn.
Chester Co. Historical Society, P.O. Box 721, Henderson, Tenn. 38340,
1924, Republished 1982.
Jones, Lewis P. Cemeteries in Chester Co., Tenn. May 1982.
Author may be contacted at:
Hwy. 22A, Jack's Creek, TN 38347.
Stewart, G. Tillman. Henderson County: Tennessee County History Series.
Joy Biley Dunn, ed., Memphis State University Press, 1979.
51 Daughters of the American Revolution, Annual Published
Listing, 1974.
The Times Atlas of the Second World War, John Keegan, ed.,
Harper and Row, Pubs., London, 1989.
Documents from Newton, Mass., public library on early Hammond
pioneers, 1636-1750. Hammond Park, Hammond Parkway, Hammond Pond,
and old Hammond homes on Chestnut Hill exist in suburban Boston.
Collected in 1990-92.
Watlington of West Tennessee Genealogical Database. Contains information on
over thirteen hundred Watlington and allied family individuals.
Maintained by Janice Threadgill Watlington.
World War II Watlington stories and related documents of
servicemen collected by the authors. More than can be published herein.
Mary W. Wolford's copious notes on family, letters, etc.
Military unit records from the Civil War, and subsequent wars are
available in many libraries.
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Copyright © 1997, Elton A. Watlington (Note)